Reprisal – None Survive The Sun Review

Good fun and great riffs make the sophomore release from south-east Englands’ Reprisal an absolute blast. Following (or literally reprising – chuckle) from their debut Ichneumanity EP that was released in 2013 None Survive The Sun is a rare metal alloy. Combining thrash metal sensibilities with a touch of hardcore and a smörgåsbord of talent. Dousing the incurring flames in death metal Reprisal have made a brilliant, if not long overdue, return.

Heavy, dank and dirty this album has everything that makes metal so unpopular with the superficial rogues who make pop music look like hard work. As in contrast to those acts Reprisal make intense riffing and quality song writing look and sound like sugar and cherries. Where each track is engorged to mighty proportions and with great attention taken to the substance in every track this is an album that only gets better as it progresses.

Contained within None Survive The Sun is a powerful and impressive spirit. The strength of play behind each and every riff increases the already tense momentum as the quartet relentlessly slaughter the silence.Bringing every harmony the downward force of an ACME anvil, and every solo the personality it needs to stand out from the chorus.

For a seven year old band this their first album really shows what they, Reprisal, have learned. Not only in style but in technical skill too and this it should come with future classic written all over it should they get the recognition they deserve. Intense. Check. Creative. Check. A good time. Check.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.