RIVIẼRE’s Playlist


Following on from the release of RIVIẼRE’s EP entitled Heal, we caught up with with guitarist Alexandre for an insight into his and the band’s musical tastes and influences. Get involved below!

A song that influenced him
New Coke – Health

For the mastery of aesthetics and textures and their ultra-violent, ultra-catchy pop sounds. Without claiming to do as much, this conception of composition remained very present with us.

A song he wishes he could have written
Firebreather – Thrice

The Alchemy Index is such a beautiful concept album. Thrice have been a huge influence for us for many years, despite their spiritual commitment 🙂 . The way they explore sounds, textures, harmonies and production techniques on this album is pure genius. Firebreather is the opening track on the album and one of the heaviest in their discography.

His favourite RIVIẼRE track

This song is the catharsis. It’s about the relief from negative emotions and dark ways of thinking described in the opening track New Cancer. That’s why it’s the last track on the album. Plus we love the groove of the verses, we can’t help dancing when we play them ;D

A song he’s been listening to a lot recently
Underwater – Porches

I discovered Porches at the Pitchfork Music Festival in Paris last year and since then I can’t stop listening to their album Pool. The synth textures are simply beautiful and very catchy, and the vocals have a very unique sensitivity.

His all-time favourite song
Shine On You Crazy Diamond – Pink Floyd

Because everything is there.

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.