Scarred – Scarred Review

Release date: 22nd January 2021

Scarred is the third full length release from Luxembourg-based tech metal outfit Scarred, and although it serves as my first introduction to the band, it already makes me very eager to check out this talented band’s back catalogue – which can only be a good thing!

Although the album is a bit of a slow burner to start off, with the first full-length track Mirage feeling a little sluggish in parts, third track A.D…Something really gets things moving. The riffs are catchy and instantly get stuck in your head, and there’s this grim undertone to it which really works well. Similarly another faster paced track, Merry-Go-Round is another highlight, with Scarred utilising a proggier vibe and showing they have more than one string to their bow.

Everything about Scarred feels very polished, and it’s clear that Scarred have spent a good amount of time honing their skills to craft a highly enjoyable and immersive album. Musically it’s nothing new per se but when it sounds this good, does that really matter in the grand scheme of things? Scarred is an album you can stick on and enjoy without having to skip any ‘duff’ tracks.

If Scarred is anything to go by, then 2021 is surely going to be a great year for new releases – I’m just hoping that by the end of the year we’ll be able to start witnessing these albums live again!


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.