She Must Burn – She Must Burn Review

she must burnSometimes, all it takes is a few seconds of listening before you know a release is going to be something special and an EP that has really hit the mark is the self-titled EP from She Must Burn. This is an EP that immediately grabs your interest and keeps it from start to finish.

Introductory track Ascension really lets you know the band means business, and it’s a powerful track that has a good bit of aggression and heaviness to it whilst simultaneously featuring softer melodies courtesy of the keyboards before the track seamlessly progresses into the first ‘full’ song of the piece, Possessed, which is perhaps the strongest track of the EP. The relentless energy and wall of sound that gets projected at you is impressive enough on its own but when the clean vocals are added, they really give the song that extra sparkle. Expertly delivered in such a way that you can’t help but want to sing along, it really makes for an excellent listen.

Another great inclusion is Into Light, which really shows another side to the band. Taking a more stripped-back and melodic route at first, it’s very refreshing to hear something so different in the middle of the EP and it really helps to divide it up nicely before it builds up into a more aggressive number and a particularly good element is when the harsh and clean vocals perform the same line in sync with one another.

Quite simply, She Must Burn is awesome and a rare flawless listen that breathes fresh air into the industry. Make sure you pick this up on release day.


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About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.