Singled Out: Killatrix – Supersonic

KillatrixMy phone vibrates. You have voicemail blinks across the luminescent screen. “Konnichiwa” I hear in response to the pattern of numbers I flick across the front of the device.

It’s Killatrix, the smarter sister of Bellatrix Lestrange, who performs a kinder form of magic. A colourful and eclectic blend of exuberant Brit-pop.

“U wot m8” I say unironically into the speaker.

Supersonic is the new single from UK based Killatrix and blends disco funk into an intense discolouration of profuse rock. Colder than the warmth it initially brings Supersonic as a tune for late nights and early mornings.

Very melodramatic the layers of vocal melodies separate from the intense guitar work to effectively curl the song into dizzying heights where twilight synths harmonise and reflect down from above. The accent on the bass line features a spectacular thumb war between bassist and guitar, and I haven’t enjoyed listening to slap technique like that since the last time I heard the Seinfeld theme, it’s immense.

The main vocal track does sound like it was recorded over Skype however and then compensated for with fat synths and thick bass rhythms. However passionate and natural their pronounced release also adds fragile depth to the abstract foundations coming from the heavily industrialised band.

Supersonic is dark, it’s deep, cool and sleek and the whole package is an interesting journey through the night. Killatrix arigato.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.