Sister – Disguised Vultures Review

Sister Disguised VulturesWe first introduced Sister to you last year when we covered their single Sick. With a new year just getting started, the band are kicking things off in true style with their second album Disguised Vultures, which is an absolute belter of a release, chock-full with memorable and catchy tunes. If you loved Sick, it goes without saying that you’ll love this too.

Disguised Vultures gets off to a great start with My Enemy, which begins with what sounds like an organised wall of chaotic noise before slowly fading away and building it up again. It’s almost like a false start, there to grab your interest and pull you in before it properly gets going again – it’s an intriguing way to begin, but it works and I especially loved the bass in the introduction.

The album continues very strongly from there and a particularly high point is Arise. The way a song opens can sometimes make or break it, but the way it begins just blows your mind, swiftly fading in before the guitars get going and you start tapping your foot along to the beat. The vocals on this one are phenomenal and the guitar solo at the end adds a lot to the already-good song.

One of the great things about this album is the energy and passion displayed throughout, even in the slower songs like Naked. Sometimes, a slower song between fast-paced tracks can really drag the mood down but Naked is different and the passionate vocals from Jamie add another dimension to the song, resulting in it being an extremely engaging listen and a song that you’ll keep coming back to.

Disguised Vultures is an extremely strong offering from Sister and is an album that really showcases the band’s talent as a whole, showing the listener just what they’re made of. Great stuff!


Sister: Facebook

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.