Slegest – Vidsyn Review

slegest-vidsynAfter being impressed by Slegest when I saw them live two years ago supporting Taake and getting acquainted with their debut album Løyndom, I’d been eagerly awaiting new material from the project (whilst there is a full touring lineup for the band, all recordings are handled by musical maestro Ese), and needless to say, Vidsyn does not disappoint.

Vidsyn is an impressive and mighty listen, and whilst it may not tread any drastically different ground to debut offering Løyndom, that’s not exactly a problem because Slegest’s blend of black metal, doom and heavy metal is absolutely sublime. Each of the eight tracks packs a punch in its own unique way and it’s nice that the album is varied enough for all the songs to stand out, yet everything feels inexplicably linked together and the flow from one song to the next is tremendous, with each song coming together to form part of a bigger picture.

Wolf, which Slegest also recently released a new video for, is one of the harder hitting tracks and it’s no surprise why this was one of the songs unveiled for public consumption prior to the album’s release as its momentum and passion is second to none. The snarled vocals are especially strong on this song, especially when coupled with the wall of sound underneath them, and this is certainly a track that will pack a punch in a live environment. Additionally, another strong inclusion is penultimate track Inn i uvissao, which has more of a doomier edge to it. There’s an almost crushing vibe to it, especially evident during the slower sections, and it’s an all-round excellent inclusion that you’ll keep wanting to come back to.

All in all, another fantastic album from Slegest. Make sure you don’t miss this one.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.