Soliloquium – Things We Leave Behind Review

Release date:16th March 2020

As a sucker for death/doom, when this release from Soliloquium dropped into my inbox it immediately caught my eye. The third full-length from the Swedish two-piece, it’s a strong bit of work from the duo and although Things We Leave Behind may be my first introduction to the band, it definitely makes me want to dive into their back catalogue.

The album gets off to a strong start with Dead Ends, but second track The Discarded is where things really get moving. The track features some absolutely mighty riffs that are both colourful and emotive. It really helps to catch your interest and draw you in, particularly when paired with powerful vocals and heavy instrumentation.

Things We Leave Behind is a good mixture between heavy and melodic, featuring both crushingly heavy sections and more stripped-back inclusions, and it gives good variety to the album. It means the album isn’t monotonous, keeping the listener on their toes with each twist and turn the piece takes.

As a whole, Things We Leave Behind is an album that has really delivered. It’s a top-notch bit of work, and something you’ll keep wanting to come back to.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.