Soundscape’s Inverse Advent 18: Kuoleman Galleria – Kärsimys Kunniaan

Maybe it was a mistake getting an advent calendar from a label I love in order to discover new music, because this is the fourth day in a row where I’ve got an album I already know and have covered on here! Time for another copy and paste job methinks…

18: Kuoleman Galleria – Kärsimys KunniaanAlthough the album’s introduction is somewhat of a pointless exercise, basically consisting of some shouted Finnish littered with a lot of expletives, thankfully the first full track gets things off to a better start. Punchy, hard-hitting and with a tonne of drive behind it, it shows that Kuoleman Galleria mean business and a particularly good element of the track is the insanely catchy guitar riff that plays throughout the entire track’s duration – it’s one of those lines that will be rattling round your head for days after you’ve heard it.

The album progresses from there and it’s clear that Kuoleman Galleria have found a format that works for them because each song has as much bite as the last and also, whilst everything fits together fantastically, each individual song has its own unique flavour, so it makes for an engaging listen as a result, with songs Sielujen Torilla and Tieteen Nimeen being particularly good. There’s even a Barathrum cover thrown in for good measure too!

An all-round solid album.

Recommended track: Sielujen Torilla

About Natalie Humphries 1927 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.