Sourvein – Aquatic Occult Review

Sourvein_-_Aquatic_OccultSourvein have had a tumultuous career since their inception in ’92, overcoming many trials to bring us this musical diorama of pirates inspired sludge. However this isn’t a patronizing gimmick (thankfully) or just an indicator of the odd jig.  It remains strong and heavy as it anchors soulful doom metal straight down into the depths of your very soul.

The hypnotic and mystic droll embedded in Aquatic Occult sounds very optimistic in such a nihilistic expanse where no point on the mighty throng of musing and bawdy dirges gets lost at sea. As the album is flagrantly cohesive its languid dance moves into the horizon where there’s a deep sense of release, never giving up on the dirty strength accumulated throughout its own straightforward journey.

While it’s not the heaviest album out there Sourvein still drills hard and deep on Aquatic Occult. Track Ocypuss indulges the trend killing with a projection of upward bile leading the riot into a more powerful position on Aquanaut.  The latter half of the album deviates from the tried and tested southern death rock sound found in droves on opener and part augur Avian Dawn and it’s also where the aforementioned jig takes place featuring Mermaids.  Good times are to be had here with a bottle of rum.


About David Oberlin 523 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.