Stream Of Passion’s Playlist

Stream Of Passion 2015

We recently caught up with Stream Of Passion’s frontwoman Marcela Bovio to get an insight into her music tastes and influences. Check out the songs below, or get involved on our page here, and keep an eye out for our review of their latest album in the not-so-distant future!

A Song That Influenced Her
Porcupine Tree – Blackest Eyes

I love Porcupine Tree! Their music has a lot of progressive elements, but also tons of beautiful and accessible melodies. I chose this song in particular because of its awesome riff and beautiful chorus!

A Song She Wishes She Could Have Written
Dredg – Bug Eyes

I just love this song; it’s so full of emotion and drive, elements I love to incorporate in my own music. The theme of the lyrics (feeling the pressure of time passing by, I believe) really speaks to me and I talk about it often on my own songs.

Her favourite Stream Of Passion Song
Don’t Let Go

It’s hard to choose, but I love Don’t Let Go because it’s one of the most intense and emotional tracks we’ve made.

A Song She Has Recently Been Listening To A Lot
Leprous – The Price

I’m really looking forward to Leprous’ new album, and this first single is incredibly promising!

He All-Time Favourite Song
The 3rd and the Mortal – Why So Lonely

This is just such an enchanting song; it’s so simple yet so incredibly beautiful. Kari’s voice is just gorgeous, gives me goosebumps every time.

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.