Stuntman – Incorporate The Excess Review

stuntman incorporate the excessIt has to be said that Incorporate The Excess is a bit of a difficult release to get into. For the most part, it’s mainly just standard hardcore music that’s been done countless times before, so it doesn’t really stand out from the crowd until the end.

Tracks like The Patriot, The Elite, The Icon and Horn Of Misery tend to feel like the band are just projecting disorganised noise at you, rather than them taking a step back and thinking about what they could do to perhaps make them a little more memorable. There aren’t really any catchy riffs or hooks that get stuck in your mind, so it’s difficult for the songs to make much of an impression on you.

However, as mentioned earlier and with all criticisms aside, this EP closes with an absolute blinder of a song, Scarecrow Warfare. Hardcore generally isn’t a genre that is known for long tracks, as songs generally tend to be fast and to-the-point, so to hear a long track done well was really refreshing. It’s an instrumental track and it’s largely the same idea repeating throughout with slightly different takes on the ‘theme’ each time round and it makes for an interesting listen because it’s almost like you’re waiting to spot what they’re going to do different each time round!

Honestly, it doesn’t make for the best of listens, but this release is worth checking out solely for Scarecrow Warfare at the end!


Stuntman: Facebook|Bandcamp

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.