Sworn To Oath – Pillars Review

1924757_10152207814862088_1478639733_nSworn To Oath have been about since 2009 and 2014 marks the release of their debut full-length album – Pillars. Although it’s nothing new per se, it’s a great little release and there’s a good amount of potential shown within the ten tracks.

Beginning with harsh vocals that hit you like a punch in the face, opening track Outcast takes no prisoners and lets you know this band means business. It’s refreshing for an album to begin in such a way because whilst laid-back acoustic introductions are great at building atmosphere, it’s also nice to be thrown straight into the action for a change.

The album also has some more melodic moments, with Let The Rain Fall being an especially powerful number. With a huge and passionate chorus coupled up with strong aggressive vocals, it’s not a song you can just listen to once and is surely a track that would be a force to be reckoned with in a live environment.

However, it does have to be said that Pillars is quite a ‘safe’ release. It’s nothing you haven’t already heard before and whilst Sworn To Oath have created a good album, there’s nothing on it that will make them stand out from the crowd in terms of originality or songwriting. If you like your metal then this is certainly an album for you, and it goes without saying that Sworn To Oath certainly know how to construct an earworm or two, but it does feel like they’re blending in rather than making their own mark on the scene.


Sworn To Oath: Website|Facebook|Twitter

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.