Taake/Helheim – Henholdsvis Review

Released on: 19th March 2021

Taake and Helheim did not really the find the same fame that their Norwegian peers found in the ‘90’s. And yet, without that they have both persisted longer and truer than most if not all the acts that had popularised the sound of black metal. Where many of the former acts dared to innovate and diversify their sound to find new opportunities Taake and Helheim made their own.

As was near a tradition in the ‘90’s, the EP split was a powerful artifact that could easily canvas new listeners with bands that were paired by genre. It was the original For Fans Of label, and as such it was much better at gauging interest than an algorithm. It was proof, 100%.

Henholdsvis is a Taake release first and foremost. Presented as a single on Spotify without the Helheim tracks. But, for fans of other sources, including physical media, HelHeim offer up covers of Taake and Emperor tracks respectively. Both of which capture the zeitgeist of black metal, but with more EQ.

Taakes’ tracks are not innovative in comparison to second-wave black metal but they are excellent. Displaying an optimism that, in an age of DSBM, is uncharacteristic of what has become of the genre. Taake remain true Norwegian black metal. Long surpassing many acts that have outgrown or just moved on from the genre.

The production on the main tracks is crisp. With the guitars cutting through any warmth the bass in the room offers with crystalline fuzz. While the drums are triggered more than an academic in a dive bar they hit with clarity and don’t bleed into the overall sound. This really augments the brightness emanating from the riffs and makes for a very pleasant ear worm cleanser.

Overall this is a great single and a hopeful indicator of more fresh stuff to come from both bands involved.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.