Tarnkappe – Tussen Hun En De Zon Review

tarnkappe - tussen hun en de zonTussen Hun En De Zon is the brand new full-length release from Dutch black metallers Tarnkappe, following on from their split release with Funeral Procession, Blakharaz and Manzanar earlier in the year.

The album gets off to a rather abrupt start with opener To Wadein The Blood and it almost feels like the music has been thrown into your face with no real direction or thought. It’s not the best way to begin proceedings as it’s difficult to engage with it right away, and it almost feels a little incomplete as a result.

Unfortunately, as Tussen Hun En De Zon progresses, it doesn’t really take a turn for the better, because the more you listen, the more apparent it is that there’s nothing particularly new about the release. The songs aren’t bad, but it’s all been done before so it’s somewhat difficult to get excited about them.

There are some high points, such as the half-wailed vocals on Duister Mijn Geweten, but as a whole Tussen Hun En De Zon just leaves a lot to be desired, simply because they sound like every other underground black metal act out there.


You can check out a stream of Tussen Hun En De Zon here.

Tarnkappe: Facebook

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.