Templeton Pek’s Playlist

Photo by Kris Askey

Templeton Pek have just released their new album Watching The World Come Undone – you can purchase your own copy from here. Wanting to know more, we caught up with them to find out where their influences come from and what sort of music they like!

A song that influenced them
Veteran – Ignite
I remember hearing these guys for the first time on a cassette copy of a snowboarding compilation they are a heavy influence on us. It’s odd now that Brett is now someone we see regularly he even dropped in the studio when we were recording the new album.

A song they wish they could have written
Promises – Thrice
Another influential band, so it’s hard to pick a song but for me aside from the obvious songs this is one of theirs is just great lyrically and musically.

Their favourite Templeton Pek song
The Awakening
This changes everyday but currently The Awakening. It’s so hard to objectively pick your own songs, which is why we didn’t pick the singles on this album and that seemed to pay off, but I keep coming back to this track. Maybe as we’re enjoying how it translated live.

A song they have been listening to a lot recently
Without Love – Descendents
I listen to these guys more now than previously as we bypassed them for bands they influenced originally, this song hit me straight away as just a straight hooky track and evidence age is irrelevant when it comes to good songs.

Their all time favourite song
Everlong – Foo Fighters
It’s just a classic, although it’s been sometime since I’ve listened it’s a song that wherever you hear it in the distance your ears prick up and you focus in on where its coming from.

Tour dates:
06 APR 2018 – Plymouth UK, Underground*
07 APR 2018 – St Albans UK, The Horn*
10 APR 2018 – Blackpool UK, Waterloo*
11 APR 2018 – Liverpool UK, EBGBs*
12 APR 2018 – Leicester UK, The Shed*
14 APR 2018 – Huddersfield UK, Parish*
15 APR 2018 – Milton Keynes UK, Craufurd Arms*
21 APR 2018 – Cheltenham UK, Frog & Fiddle
28 APR 2018 – London UK, Nightclub Kolis
04 MAY 2018 – Wels AT, Sbam Fest
06 JUL 2018 – Amplified 2018, Gloucester UK
03 AUG 2018 – Rebellion Festival, Blackpool UK

* w/ Sonic Boom Six

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.