The Birthday Massacre – Fascination Review

Released on: 18th February 2022

There is nothing new here for fans acquainted with The Birthday Massacre (TBM.) But, the bands’ specially crafted limbo continues to embody the Millennial zeitgeist with flourish. And really, you could put on the entire TBM discography and the experience would not go stale. However, might become sombre and self-indulgent, maybe, like a really smooth chocolate.

Fascination is the ninth gate into the bands’ spectacularly cerebral brand of dark, heavy, rock. And, is the aural equivalent to an Errol Flynn movie. Classic, romantic, filled with action and out of time. While colorized it inspires reverie and is a truly wonderful and moving experience. Orchestrated to hammer at your heart strings like a tragedy no one is responsible for.

As such, its beauty is presented as both a vulnerable affliction and a dangerous assertion of identity. Each TBM album is as a snowflake to a blizzard: unique, ethereal and blindingly otherworldly. Where all voices mix in a haunting aplomb of gothic beauty, mostly at night.

For all its comfortable and familiar sounds Fascination is its own creature. And, an excellent addition into the bands’ exciting discography. It is obvious from this release that The Birthday Massacre know where they are going and what they sound like. Again being faithful to the inspirations that brought them out of the proverbial woods. And, it is such a grace that they continue to share their collective experiences with us.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.