The Danger Of Falling – Hope/Well Review

the danger of falling hope wellHope/Well is the new EP from The Danger Of Falling and it definitely doesn’t highlight this band at their best.

The songwriting is dull and the songs aren’t all that memorable, resulting in a somewhat lacklustre offering. It’s not dreadful as such, but when there’s nothing about the EP that really ‘grabs’ you, it doesn’t bode well and leaves a lot to be desired from the listener. Indeed, I’ve listened to this a bunch of times now and there’s been more than a few occasions where I’ve only realised it’s finished after I’ve been sitting in silence for a while.

There’s a couple of good moments – the clean vocals in Distant/Despair are pretty catchy and I can certainly envision a crowd singing along to them, and there’s a lot of power to the harsh vocals throughout the EP, but the instrumentation lets it down because there’s no big hooks or hard-hitting moments. It’s a shame because it feels like The Danger Of Falling are capable of giving more than this, as you can feel the passion lurking underneath.

All in all, not the best EP out there in the melodic hardcore scene. It’s not absolutely dreadful, but it could be a great deal better than this.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.