Behind The Scenes: The Artwork Of Make Up by The Kut

The Kut Make Up

The Kut are currently getting ready to release their brand new EP Make Up (win a copy of it here!). We caught up with vocalist Maha to hear about the artistic process behind the creation of the release’s artwork.

Our Make Up EP artwork was designed by Echo Beat Studios, being the tag for artist Peter Jones. Despite the fact his name sounds like a department store, he’s pretty anticommercialist in everything he does. The majority of his art is politically orientated stuff, so you can get prints of his that show the KFC guy with horns or Mickey Mouse being painted by sweat shop workers. He also does some great stencil work on musician portraits including Bowie, Hendrix or Robert Smith. His work is essentially modern street art, with some 60s influence along the way.

Although in the track that the title is taken from, Make Up was a metaphor for the way that words are a mask for emotions, the actual make up image of the lips was a real stand out piece of art for us and something we felt represented us as female musicians too. The dripping lipstick gave the art the visual edge that made it fit with the song and the tracks, the idea of a melting facade.

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About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.