Interview With The Passion Of Our Souls


The Passion Of Our Souls are a two-piece band consisting of vocalist Julia and composer/instrumentalist Samuli. They have just released their EP Soulmates (our review of which can be read here) so we caught up with Julia for a chat to find out more.

Thanks for the interview – can you give a quick introduction to the band?
Hi! My name is Julia Mattila and I´m the vocalist of The Passion Of Our Souls. I do all the growls and clean voices in our project and I also write all the lyrics for us and help Samuli with song melodies. But he does mostly all the composing. We both are very passionated in music and that is where the band gets its name “The Passion Of Our Souls”.

Where did the idea for the sound of The Passion Of Our Souls come from? It’s unlike anything I’ve really witnessed in the industry.
I think that the sound comes from our backgrounds. I have composed and sang a lot of pop and rock music and Samuli has made mostly metal music, so we wanted to create something different and do the things in our own way. We wanted to have contrasts between verses and choruses.

You’ve just released your EP Soulmates. How would you describe your writing and recording process?
Well, it was a lazy Sunday when everything started. We started to compose the song called Give Me Your Souls. First we did some riffs and then Samuli asked me to growl, whitch I have never done before 😀 I found it quite easy for me and then we just did the song. Samuli played instuments while I was writing lyrics. Then later we did the other three songs and that’s how the EP was built.

Were there any tracks that were more of a challenge to get down?
Not really. Maybe the third song, What Tomorrow Brings, was a bit of a challenge.

Which one are you most proud of?
I love Till Death Do Us Part. I´m very happy about the melody and lyrics and I think I did my best growls in that song 😉

My personal favourite is Give Me Your Soul – can you tell me a little more about that one?
Give Me Your Soul was the first song that we made together and it’s very important to us. It tells about finding a true soulmate and how it feels when someone really understands you and what you want to do with your life. This song also tells about how we two met each other and how it felt.

Are there any plans to recruit a few live members to play some gigs in support of Soulmates, or is it strictly a two-person project in every sense?
Yes, we are going to find musicians to play live shows with us. But first we are gonna make more songs.

Moving on, if you could choose an animal to represent the band, what would it be and why?
I think it would be a bird 🙂 Birds are free to fly where ever they want and that is what The Passion Of Our Souls wants to do also. No limits in making music, just going with the flow.

If you could replace the music in a movie with your own music, which movie would you choose?
This is difficult 😀 I really can not say…I love so many movie composers that I don´t want to replace their music 🙂

And if The Passion Of Our Souls could put their name to a product, what would it be and why?
I think it would be a product that symbolises having a soulmate. Maybe some jewellery 🙂

The Passion Of Our Souls: Facebook|Twitter


For physical copies, send an email to with the subject Soulmates.

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.