The Saddest Landscape – Darkness Forgives Review

the saddest landscapeDarkness Forgives is the latest offering from The Saddest Landscape and whilst it is a pretty good listen as a whole, it does have its flaws.

It’s a very musically adventurous piece, with lots of unique little ideas and approaches peppered all across the album, and the band have packed so much energy and momentum into the piece that it’s almost difficult to keep up with them at times! It truly gives the album an extra bite and makes you want to sit up and take notice – the songs are almost like a slap in the face and they don’t just grab your attention, they demand it.

However, at times Darkness Forgives leaves a little to be desired vocally. The vocals come across as somewhat forced and almost like they’re being shouted at you without much thought and direction to the delivery, which is a shame because it results in diverting your attention away from the rest of the piece on occasion.

All in all, Darkness Forgives is a decent enough listen, and certainly worth checking out – it’s just a shame it doesn’t quite make the impact the band is clearly capable of achieving.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.