Singled Out: The Sonic Revolvers – Can You Hear Me?

sonic revolvers can you hear me

The Sonic Revolvers are back with their brand new single Can You Hear Me? which follows on from their two previous singles, Loco Lifestyle and Wishing Well. We took a listen ahead of the release date on September 29.

Opening with a funky little riff, it really imprints into your mind before the vocals kick in. A smooth and almost-delicate performance, it fits the general mood of the song well and adds a lot to the piece as a whole, making for an all-round enjoyable listen.

However, something that does have to be said is that it’s a little bit of a repetitive song due to the simplicity of it all; that’s not to say it’s a bad song but there’s only really one primary idea within the track so it doesn’t feel like it’s really progressing. It’s a damn catchy idea, and one that will surely be rattling round your head for days – so it’s still completely worth your time to check it out – but a little more variation in the track would have been nice.


You can get a taste for the song with this YouTube teaser:

The Sonic Revolvers: Website|Facebook|Twitter

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.