The Sonic Revolvers’ Playlist

The Sonic Revolvers 2014

In a few months time, The Sonic Revolvers will be releasing their new single Blackstar. Whilst you all wait for the new music, we took the time to get an insight into the band’s musical tastes, courtesy of guitarist Richey. Check it out below!

A song that influenced him
Royal Blood – Little Monster

Royal Blood have really stepped it up a gear in terms of modern day rock music and how can write short popular rock songs and stand out and be successful. Little Monster is a great song and for me as songwriter really gave me some direction of what you can do with two instruments and a cracking riff.

A song he wishes you could have written
Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit

Under all the screaming and crashing drums it is a really well written simple song. It just hits you like a speed train and instantly grabs you into its plot. Its soul lives in punk but it has such a darker tone that really appeals to me. It is such a genre defining song and defines a generation too, something that bands these days might never experience. It was like a caged animal that was freed and destroyed everything that was wrong about music at that time, over blown rock with big hair and meaningless lyrics. It was like the Sex Pistols again but Nirvana were actually a talented group but sadly they were a time bomb with a short fuse. Fans might not think it’s their best song in their collection but what it did for music can’t be argued with.

His favourite Sonic Revolvers song
Hurricane/Sunset Bridge

Its easy to be in a band and love the new material you are writing and performing. Hurricane is one of them songs and is going to be on our brand new EP. Its a favourite of ours as it sounds so fresh and we were so happy that we created something that is quite heavy but catchy, a perfect blend. A favourite one of mine at the minute is from our Suns of Mercury EP called ‘Sunset Bridge’. I was proud of it when we finished recording it and I still feel like that now. Sometimes you can dismiss your older songs but that’s one I still love. I Still fight for it in the set.

A song he’s been listening to a lot recently
Metallica – The Day That Never Comes

This is a song that’s been going round the iPod and CD player for a few weeks now. It has that classic Metallica sound with the big guitar solo and crunching riff. Sonically it sounds awesome and I listen to it thinking how do you get that sound? I also wish I could play guitar that fast, but that’s what happens when you spend ten years behind a drum kit, fingers don’t move that quick!

His all time favourite song
Such a tough choice. I could only narrow it down to three songs.

A day in the life by The Beatles, just wow, structure, production.

The March of the Black Queen by Queen. Lyrically it just paints such vivid worlds and it has everything thrown into it, piano, heavy riffs different dynamics, vocal arrangements are just immense for 1974!

Faster by Manic Street Preachers. The words are what made me want to write songs, they still fascinate me after twenty years, the simple riff but the super quick guitar solo make it a complete package.

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.