This Burning Age – Devotion Review

This Burning Age DevotionThis Burning Age are back with the second EP of their four-part series, Devotion, and it picks up right where their previous offering Supplication left off, so it goes without saying that this will be right up your street if you loved that one.

Opener There Is No Hope Except For That Which You Give Me gets things off to a running start with energetic instrumentation and an especially powerful vocal performance from Friday, who really gives it his all in this song. The chorus is tremendously memorable; a sing-along affair that will surely be rattling round your head for days on end, and really helps the EP make a good first impression.

Following track Hollow is a little more of a slow burner, and loses a little of the momentum gained with the previous track, but closer Nothing gets things moving again, starting with eerie atmospheric tones that descend into filthy-sounding riffs before a wall of sound is practically thrown at you. Vastly energetic and downright groovy, as soon as the track comes to an abrupt close, it leaves you wanting more – which is never a bad way to wind up a release.

Once again, This Burning Age have delivered, and Devotion is another fine EP – this band surely knows how to write an earworm or two!


This Burning Age: Website|Facebook|Twitter

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.