This Burning Age – Supplication Review

This Burning Age SupplicationSupplication is the first EP in a four-EP series from This Burning Age and if this piece is anything to go by, then this surely bodes well for the other three. Quite simply, it’s a good mix of ideas and sounds, and plays on the band’s strengths whilst keeping things fresh, which is quite refreshing to listen to.

Opener Disappeared is a good strong start that builds things up until the full band kicks in and the music hits you like a tonne of bricks. The vocals are especially strong on this one, particularly in the chorus where they become more powerful and emotional, showing a strong contrast between the verses and chorus.

Your Will Is My Kill is perhaps the strongest track of the release, with some ace drums in the introduction that lead well into the main body of the song, which is so catchy you’ll surely find yourself singing along to it for days to come. A track that sounds like it’s been made for a live environment, it really shines and is something you’ll keep wanting to revisit.

Supplication closes with Want, which takes a little while to get going due to the opening consisting of about 30 seconds of almost-nothingness, which seems a little pointless in the long run. However, its more acoustic and stripped back route before finally bringing the noise at the end works well for the most part and is a satisfying way to bring the EP to a close.

A largely great EP – it will certainly be interesting to see what This Burning Age have planned for the other three releases in the series.


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About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.

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