Behind The Scenes: Tirade’s Self-Titled EP Artwork


We were really impressed by how striking the artwork from the upcoming self-titled EP from Tirade was – so eager to know more, we caught up with the band to ask about it!

Who designed the cover and what made you decide to choose them?
Helen Hebenton of Uncanny Designs. We have used her for our artwork since our first EP last year and she also designed our logo. She is absolutely amazing and everything she done is unique, definitely check her out if you are in a band!

Did you go to Helen with a clear image in mind of what you wanted, or did you just let her do her thing?
No – we had a pretty different idea when we went to Helen, but the great thing about her is that she is passionate about each piece of art she does, she gave us loads of ideas and changed little things for us, the artwork that we now have is completely different from the first ideas we had in our head. We were going to have our logo graffitied on a wall…which we did try to do with a graffiti artist…and it’s safe to say it looked utterly awful!

What’s the story behind the cover image – does it symbolise anything?
We kept it simple and symbolic, it is our self-titled EP so we kept it completely free of any text on the front, we are hoping that people will recognise us with our shark jaws!

Did anything change about the initial idea for the cover when creating the final product?
No, once Helen had sent us the artwork she had done we were completely happy…and a lot more stress free!

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.