Trees Of Eternity – Hour Of The Nightingale Review

trees-of-eternity-hour-of-the-nightingaleIt’s definitely rather haunting to listen to an album filled with songs performed by a singer that has now passed on, not to mention the fact that Hour Of The Nightingale could well be Trees Of Eternity’s swansong release, but if anything that’s all the more reason for you not to miss this absolutely stunning work of art.

It’s a little difficult to know what to say about Hour Of The Nightingale as nothing quite does it justice, save for simply saying “go and listen to this album now”. Each song is exquisitely constructed and perfectly presented, with Aleah’s ethereal and beautiful vocals complementing the instrumentation perfectly, no matter whether the style is doom or of a more ambient and stripped-back nature. It seems that whatever approach Trees Of Eternity take, they can do no wrong, and Hour Of The Nightingale makes for excellent listening as a result.

One of the strongest tracks of the album is perhaps sixth song The Passage, which has a tear-jerking vocal line throughout. Although fairly simplistic, the chorus is particularly impactful and the vocal line is so colourful and emotive – it will surely wind up stuck in your head after a few listens of the song. Additionally, the instrumental line just feels melancholically crushing and really hits you hard, particularly where it first switches from gentle to heavy.

Trees Of Eternity have created something special and wonderful with Hour Of The Nightingale, and there’s no doubt that this is the perfect homage to Aleah – and whilst she may have now passed on, this album will ensure she lives forever.

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.