Vetten Äpärät – Syntyi Talven Kyynelistä Review

Vetten Äpärät - Syntyi Talven KyynelistäWe’ve been keeping our eyes on Vetten Äpärät for a while now, having enjoyed their single Sydäntalven Viha as well being impressed with their live show when we saw them supporting Thyrien in November, so we had high hopes for their debut album Syntyi Talven Kyynelistä as a result – and they definitely didn’t disappoint.

There’s a fantastic amount of passiion and emotion to the music on Syntyi Talven Kyynelistä, with the band really giving it their all, and it makes for a stunning and engaging listen as a result. It’s clear that Vetten Äpärät have spent a long time working on this album to create something truly memorable, and it’s really refreshing to hear.

There’s plenty of highlights to be found on the album, such as the wonderfully fast-paced Brothers Of Hate that seems tailor-made for a live environment with some great opportunities for fist-pumping and crowd participation, and the ambient Herätys with its spoken sections and stunning sparse instrumentation is a beautifully atmospheric piece.

There’s only one slight problem with Syntyi Talven Kyynelistä and that’s the somewhat jerky flow that is displayed in the middle of the album; there’s a fast song followed by a slower ambient one before the cycle is repeated and the flow just isn’t right as a result due to the stopping and starting. However, in the grand scheme of things, that is only a minor nuance and as a whole, this is a great album you’ll keep wanting to come back to.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.