Behind The Scenes: Vexxes On Recording Common Ground

vexxes common ground

Boasting a penchant for big, driving tunes, Vexxes debut E.P Common Ground is a collection of mini-anthems, solid guitar licks locked in tight with driving rhythms to create a platform for Tom’s soaring vocal melodies. Here the band answer a few questions about the recording process for their debut…

How prepared were you going into the studio?
Before we went to the studio we spent a lot of time making pre-production demos. We wanted to get a good idea of how the final product would sound before we even stepped foot in the studio. Definitely the most prep any of us have done before recording!

Where did you decide to go and why?
We chose Chris Coulter as we’d worked with him before and when we heard Arcane Roots’ latest EP, we knew we HAD to go with him again! He creates a huge sound throughout all of his work, which was something we wanted to achieve with Common Ground.

Can you describe the recording process?
A fairly standard process really. We recorded track by track, one instrument at a time, nothing too special. We just left Chris to work his magic where needed.

Was there anything unusual you did or anything interesting that happened?
Chris actually helped us out with backing vocals on the EP. This was a time before we had Sam’s beautiful backing vocals so at the start of the session it was Tom, Max and Shree that entered… Shree had to be quickly subbed for Chris after a couple of takes!

What were your thoughts on the outcome?
We’re really pleased with what we’ve achieved with the EP. Each song stands on its own and they’re all very much VEXXES. We’re really excited for people to hear it now and come down and see us play!

What was your producer Chris’ thoughts on working with you?
Vexxes are one of those bands where the dynamic between them just works; they have the same drive and vision. Working as a unit they have focused all their time and energy to create a melodic and consistent debut EP. They also listen to my suggestions, which is a bonus!

Vexxes released EP Common Ground on 6th May 2016. Check out their video Everything I’ve Ever Known:

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.