V For Violence – The Book Of V Review

V For Violence The Book Of VThe Book Of V is the latest album from V For Violence and whilst it isn’t a bad listen, it’s one of those releases that is a little difficult to know how to take.

There’s a nice meaty tone to V For Violence’s music and each track has a great kick to it, but on the other hand there really isn’t much variation from song to song. There’s no shame in the fact that V For Violence have found a formula that they’re comfortable with, but it does get a little grating to hear what is essentially the same song eleven times over.

Subsequently, The Book Of V starts off strongly enough, with the opening number The Hated Saint really leaving a massive impression on you. There’s a lot of power behind the song, which really helps to get things moving, but whilst the album certainly doesn’t lose any pace as it progresses, it does end up sounding a little stagnant by the time you reach the halfway mark. Each track has the same chugging guitars, hammering beat and overall form, so it’s unfortunately all too easy to lose interest in the piece.

The Book Of V could be good and there is potential within the music – however V For Violence do need to take a step back and be a bit more adventurous with their music when it comes to their next release.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.