Victor Love – Technomancy Review

victor love technomancyTechnomancy might have a roll call longer than your average Otaku register but this is no ordinary roster. Forget Hogwarts and Charles Xavier because Victor Love has got your special needs down to a new kind of holistic medication. There’s a new corpse party in town and that town is Party Town. Courtesy of Victor Love, Technomancy is pristine and crisp with its account of an industrious lifestyle, taking modern retro-fashion and stylizing a new kind of heavy by turning aggressive leads and even dirtier bass lines into a manifesto for the cyber literate. In proposal, there’s a new kind of magical thinking to contend with – Technomancy.

The album conjures synth leads that are like fairy liquid being applied to lubricate nails out through appearance board. The concentrated waves that flutter around the vocal content come with a simplistic and secured grain that tie those same skeletal PCM’s to a meaty body where they fly on the fleshy distortion that sings from the complimentary guitar parts.

Technomancy is a composite album that doesn’t compromise its orientation, regardless of its musical parts. Instead it looks towards glory in conjunction with the many collaborators on Technomancy and becomes like Shelleys monster realized in music. The Bride of Love is a beautiful maiden that’s to be respected as an individual. The concept behind the veil is pure and its construct is true, but keep in mind that it’s all the plan from a megalomaniac that’s sugar coating reality to make it seem acceptable.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.