Voice Of Ruin – Purge And Purify Review

voice of ruin purge and purifyPurge And Purify is the new album from Voice Of Ruin and it’s a mature, well-rounded piece of work from the Swiss metal outfit.

You’d be forgiven for not taking their last record entirely seriously (whilst an awesome listen, its style was billed as ‘horny farmer metal’ and it was called Morning Wood) but with Purge And Purify, Voice Of Ruin have simply created a powerfully crushing slab of music with some headbangingly awesome hooks and riffs – nothing more, nothing less.

Purge And Purify features ten tracks of in-your-face noisy tracks with a nice bit of melody for them, and it helps to ensure the album packs a mighty punch whilst simultaneously being able to appeal to a wider audience more inclined to more melodic music. Tracks feature catchy melodic guitar riffs paired up with meaty vocals atop of hammering drums, combined with awesome guitar solos and it works perfectly.

Surely tailor-made for a live environment, these songs will get your head banging and your fist pumping in the air to them! This is another fantastic effort from Voice Of Ruin and I’m already excited to see what this talented band have got up their sleeves for their next album!


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.