Vorna – Aamunkoi Review

Release date: 21st April 2023

It is always a good day when I get new music from Vorna. Having enjoyed near enough every step of their musical journey so far, one of the things I appreciate most about this band is that they are unafraid to tread new territory with each album – and it is so boring when a band releases the same album year upon year. Whilst each Vorna release is distinctly ‘them’, each album has a different approach and identity. Their fourth album Aamunkoi doesn’t buck this trend and is the band’s most melodic release yet. There’s still that beautiful melancholy to their music that first hooked me on their music ten years ago along with the harsh aggression in parts, but it’s definitely an all-round softer release in comparison to the previous albums.

The album opens with Hiljaisuus ei kestä, a track I previously got to see performed live during a whirlwind trip to their gig in Espoo ahead of the Turmion Kätilöt Ice Hall show in January. The song is, in fact, one of the strongest of the album so it makes perfect sense why that song was chosen as the first taster of Aamunkoi. With an emotive instrumentation that leads into some stunning cleans, it hooks the listener almost straight away.

For me, the strongest track is by far Raja (which I’m already keeping my fingers crossed to hear at the album launch in May). The way the song slowly amps up, getting bigger and more epic as it progresses, gives it so much atmosphere and you will have goosebumps by the end – it is absolutely stunning, and the blend of cleans and harsh vocals are perfectly balanced.

Aamunkoi is Vorna’s strongest album to date. With each release they get a little more polished, and the fact they bring something completely new to the table with each new album is incredibly refreshing. It’s a bold approach, but pays off for Vorna every single time. It’s incredible to see how far they have come since I first heard of them – and needless to say, Vorna have hit it out of the ball-park with Aamunkoi. Make sure you don’t miss this one.

Album launch shows
6th May – Yo-Talo, Tampere
12th May – Kuudes Linja, Helsinki

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.