Vredehammer – Violator Review

Vredehammer ViolatorWhen Vredehammer brought out their debut full-length album Vinteroffer, we were suitably impressed here at Soundscape. Two years on, and they’re back for another round with Violator, which packs just as much of a punch as their last album did – which is indeed, no mean feat in itself.

One of the best things about Vredehammer is the sheer energy and momentum behind the music. The hammering drums that serve as the perfect drive to the album, serving as a tremendous foundation for the album along with the chunky bass, and the guitars and vocals atop are powerful and succinctly delivered, packing a real punch and as with the band’s last album, you can’t help but want to headbang along to it.

Ursus is perhaps one of the strongest tracks of the release. The lead guitar line that kicks in just after the introduction and continues under the vocal line is absolutely incredible and it adds a nice amount of melody into all of the heaviness surrounding it. Indeed, the vocals on this track are also some of the strongest of the album – there’s a lot of meat and power behind the delivery and you can really hear the sheer passion shining through.

Vredehammer have once again crafted something special with Violator. This is a band that is on top of their game right now and if you haven’t already become acquainted with this incredible band, now is as good a time as ever to get involved.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.