Vrona – A Lapse In Time Review

vrona a lapse in timeOkay, I’ll admit it – when I spotted the promo for this band in my inbox, I was drawn to it because the name reminded me of a certain favourite band of mine. However, unlike Vorna’s stunning blend of black and folk metal, Vrona play some rather tasty instrumental prog and their debut EP A Lapse In Time is certainly an engaging listen.

Although a little lacking in the complexity department at times, as a whole A Lapse In Time is a very nice EP and a great starting point for the band as there’s lots of room for them to grow, whilst simultaneously showcasing good musicianship and an overall tightness.

There’s a great funky vibe to the music, particularly in second track Vool which features more than a few earworms in its six-minute duration, and the closer entitled Storm and split into two definitive tracks (Acrimony and Tempest) serves as a more unique finale, due to it being in two parts with two very different vibes. Acrimony is more of a punchy number with a slight feel of melancholy to it, whilst Tempest almost feels like you’re in the storm itself (complete with rain and thunder sound effects at the start of the track) and it’s a relentless track that sees the band coming together for one last burst of energy and momentum before bringing the EP to a close.

Vrona have created a good EP with A Lapse In Time and if this is anything to go by, the foundations have been laid for them to create a truly brilliant full-length album.

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.