Behind The Scenes: White Clouds & Gunfire – Zero To Hero

Pop punkers White Clouds & Gunfire released a new EP Zero To Hero recently, which got 9/10 in our review in the magazine.

We managed to catch up with frontwoman Evey who told us the meaning behind each track. Enjoy.

You Think You Know Me
This song is inspired and influenced by a poem by Laurence Dunbar that I read years ago at school and its always stuck with me.  It’s about not saying how you really feel about a situation or your feelings.  Keeping your emotions bottled up inside and not crying or screaming, which is what you actually really want to do.  Just because you keep your game face on doesn’t make those feelings less real.

This was one of those songs that I can’t actually remember writing.  It was completely organic and it just felt right – ok that sounds a bit weird, but that’s the only way I can explain it.  We must have written it about 3 years ago and it’s had a few tweaks over the years, but we just can’t not play it in our set list.

I lost my sister when we were really young and I’ve never really spoken about it.  The chorus of Satellite, was my first attempt at dealing with the loss.

The verses are based on balancing bands with relationships. It’s a very delicate balancing act and I don’t always get it right, especially when you throw a full time job into the mix.

Just because I’m not physically with you, does not mean that I’m not missing you or thinking about you every moment of the day.  You are with me always.

Stand And Be The Hero
So this one we un officially call “the bouncy one”. Its fun, energetic and catchy.  Its about having the balls to be and do what makes you happy and don’t apologise for it.

Everyone needs a little pick me up every now and again, so this is our way of picking people and ourselves up.  We can’t play it without smiling ourselves so hopefully this transposes to our audience. The chorus is really easy aswell to get involved with, we openly encourage audience participation.

Turn Out The Lights
This is one of my favourite WCAG songs. It’s celebrates being young, being in love, the butterflies you get when you’re in a new relationship, that spark and that passion that you magically find with someone.  Sometimes you just want to jump on someone, and it the long run it doesn’t always work out…….but it was fun while it lasted.

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