Whorion – Satans Hollow, Manchester 22/05/14

Whorion tourposterSatan’s Hollow has always been a favourite venue of mine personally, due to the interesting layout and decor, so when it was announced that Whorion would be playing a show there on their debut UK tour, I already knew it was going to be a good show.

It’s always refreshing when a band’s performance is not contained by just the stage and Pravitas lay ruin to Satan’s Hollow with an energetic and promising performance. They were a very engaging band and in particular it was impossible to pin frontman Joshua down, who was a live wire and constantly climbing, moving and jumping about the venue! For a fairly young band, it was a very polished performance and the raw materials are there for this band to go far.

Of course, Whorion managed to up the ante from there and were tremendously tight from start to finish – it is truly rewarding to see a band as well-rehearsed as this one, and indeed it has been a long time since I’ve seen a band as tight as these. Coming onstage to their track Tacit Waves of Gravitational Singularity, it added a lot of atmosphere to the room and then they instantly picked up the pace and were utterly relentless in their onslaught. Everyone in the band was just so in tune with one another, feeding off each other’s energies throughout the performance (which is always a sign of a phenomenal live band) and there was nothing to fault from the show because it was jaw-droppingly awesome, pure and simple.

Whorion were at one with the music they played, which made it rewarding to see because when a band’s so into the music, it spills out into the crowd as well and although the venue wasn’t crammed full, everyone was having a good time and truly taking everything in – it was sensational.

If you haven’t seen Whorion live yet, then it goes without saying that you’re missing out – if you think they’re good on CD then just wait until you see them live!


Keep an eye out for our Whorion interview coming soon!

Whorion: Facebook

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.